Don’t forget to plant your flowering trees now!

Don’t forget to plant your flowering trees now!

Flowering trees and shrubs are the most breathtaking in the spring, for obvious reasons!

When you’re looking to add a temporary, vibrant flash of color and beauty to your lawn, consider the following criteria while shopping:

  • Cold hardiness – Really, this is important considering the harshness of our winters. Take care to read up on the plants you like, and don’t invest in something that’s only good during the summer.
  • Cleanup requirements, including disease-resistance – Some foliage will change color and shed its petals once or twice a year, like the dogwood. Do you like berries? Some will shed berries all summer, which could spell disaster for your carpets indoors should someone track the dyes inside! Also, keep in mind how susceptible your shrub or tree is with certain diseases in your area. Will you need to treat it often, and how?
  • Color and branch patterns – The obvious characteristic you’ll look at (really, the first one you’ll consider as you leaf through a catalog), is the ideal color you’re striving for. Do you want something that will change once in spring and be done, or maybe do you want a plant that will continuously change colors throughout the season?

These are just a few things to consider when investing in your first flowering tree or shrub. Analyzing your yard, weather and personal preferences will help you decipher between a crabapple and an Easter Redbud, pussywillows and magnolia trees.

With all these considerations, we can help narrow down the choices to find a plant that fits your yard, your home and your family.