Now is the time to spray for apple scab!

Now is the time to spray for apple scab!

Many crabapples are susceptible to a fungal disease called apple scab. Leaves are infected in the late spring—March and into April—but symptoms won’t show up until later on in the spring, when it’s too late to head the disease off! While we’ve had a wet spring thus far, it hasn’t been too warm, which is the ideal environment for the disease to grow and spread.

When the tree has produced about a half-inch of leaf growth, in March and April, you know it’s time to start applying the fungicide. You can find fungicide particular to apple scab at any hardware or garden store, and simply follow the label. Applying the treatment every 1 ½ to 2 weeks will help stave off serious infections, but keep in mind that fungicide treatment will not eliminate the disease altogether.

Call Liban’s Landscaping for more information.